February Events

SpaceUp NZ

This will be a very enjoyable and interesting SpaceUp NZ “unconference” on space related topics over the weekend of 15 to 16 February.  It promises a dynamic and participatory experience where the schedule is adjusted to accommodate trending topics:  anything from space food to space junk or space flight to space exploration.
It will be preceded by a JAXA-led Space Education Workshop for teachers.  The Workshop will run from Thursday 13 to Friday 14 February.

For details:http://spaceup.org.nz/

Multicore World Conference and Computing for SKA Workshop

AUT is hosting the 2014 Multicore World Conference - Open Parallel Limited’s two day conference billed as “the only global conference to discuss all things multicore at peer level”.  It will run from Tuesday 25 to Wednesday 26 February and be followed by a Computing for SKA Workshop on Thursday 27 and Friday 28 February.
Presenters are leading specialists from industry, science and academia so it will deliver a key multicore event for 2014.

For details:http://www.multicoreworld.com/

Contact us


Professor Sergei Gulyaev
Email: sergei.gulyaev@aut.ac.nz

Deputy Director

Tim Natusch
Email: tim.natusch@aut.ac.nz