
Workshop: VLBI Astrometry and Geodesy in the Southern Hemisphere

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Possible link between tiny fluctuations in the length of day and large earthquakes

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Laser scanning of the 30-m radio telescope surface

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Royal Society of NZ | 150th Anniversary Regional Lectures 2017

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NASA’s SOFIA Observatory visits Christchurch

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Computing for SKA Colloquium 9 to 10 February 2017

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NATURE Physics Publication

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Public Lecture August 2016: Professor Volker Gass, Director of the Swiss Space Center

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Public Lecture July 2016: Dr Scott Bolton, Principal Investigator for JUNO’s Mission to Jupiter

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NASA Space Apps Challenge 2016

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Computing for SKA Colloquium February 2016

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New advance in AUT’s 30-m Radio Telescope research capability in 2016

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Observatory hosts a rare absolute gravimeter January 2016

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4th International VLBI Technology Workshop 2015

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Joint IPENZ + AUT Lecture 2015 on the Square Kilometre Array (SKA)

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New Zealand Alliance for International SKA Project: Mid-Year Mini Colloquium

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International NASA Space Apps Challenge 2015

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30-m Radio Telescope ‘First Light’

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International NASA Space Apps Challenge

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February Events

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An Astronaut at AUT

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AUT Space Station App wins NASA Challenge

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Orewa Conference January 2013

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Our part in SpaceX

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Location of the Square Kilometre Array

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Opportunities at the SKA Organisation Headquarters in Manchester

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A special visitor: Professor Leonid Gurvits

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SKANZ 2012 conference

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7-9 February 2011 - Long Baseline Array (LBA) Meeting

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First light for the ANZ e-VLBI

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World Summit Awards (WSA) 2011 - New Zealand finalists selected

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Telecom New Zealand hands over 30-metre radio telescope to AUT

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International SKA Forum

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Linked telescopes success

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SKANZ 2010 conference

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Launch of radio telescope

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About us

The Centre for Radio Astronomy and Space Research at AUT was established as the first radio astronomical research centre in New Zealand in 2004. Read more about our objectives and partnerships.

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Networking and upskilling is always at the forefront of our team. Regional and international conferences help us strengthen current and future projects.

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