New Zealand Alliance for International SKA Project: Mid-Year Mini Colloquium
This event is a professional information interchange afternoon with presentations and discussions on High Performance Computing (HPC) developments for the Square Kilometre Array (SKA) project and beyond.
Attendance is free of charge but limited to 50 persons due to catering reasons. Pre-registration is necessary. Please register by providing your name and organisation name toTN Chan.
Representatives of the New Zealand Alliance (NZA) team will collectively report on how the team has been working to achieve two purposes for the last 20 months: (a) to contribute to SKA on behalf of New Zealand, and (b) to raise the competence of New Zealand industries in HPC for the long term economic well being of the country. This event is a measure and exhibit of continuing NZA efforts.
The event starts at 1:00 pm for registration and concludes with an organiser summary at 5:00 pm. The organising team would like to invite participants to have an informal dinner together in a nearby restaurant. Each person will pay for his/her own drinks and meal.
The Programme(subject to minor changes)
- 1:15 Introduction and Welcome by Prof Sergei Gulyaev (Director, Institute for Radio Astronomy & Space Research) and Dr Andrew Ensor (Director of the High Performance Computing Research Laboratory)
- 1:25 Professor Sergei Gulyaev will provide his view of what the Phase 1 SKA telescope will offer during its ‘first science’ period. (AUT)
- 1:45 Dr Andrew Ensor will give an overview of the international effort to design the exascale computer system for the SKA, and the roles that New Zealand plays in its design. (AUT)
- 2:05 TN Chan works on quality assurance of engineering efforts and he will prescribe a path to establishing competence in HPC for New Zealand. (Compucon)
- 2:25 Nicolas Erdody will introduce The Open Parallel Stack shared service and hardware scheme for exascale computing. (Open Parallel)
- 2:45 Afternoon tea
- 3:15 Suzanne McKinnon, an investment specialist at Auckland Tourism Events and Economic Development, will discuss business growth and industry collaboration matters. (ATEED)
- 3:35 Dr Anthony Griffin and Dr Nicolas Pradel (presenter) will give a first glimpse of the results of their research and development in imaging pipeline in SDP. (AUT)
- 3:55 Dr Oliver Sinnen and Haomiao Wang (presenter) will explain their effort of prototyping FPGA via a digital approach for Pulsar Search within the domain of CSP. (University of Auckland)
- 4:15 Stefan Wong is a designer of the PowerMX framework for SKA-Mid central signal processor and will discuss how PowerMX works. (AUT/Compucon)
- 4:35 Q&A followed by Organiser Summary.
New Zealand Alliance for International SKA Project: Mid-Year Mini Colloquium
Wednesday 8 July 2015
AUT University Business School, WF503, corner of Mayoral Drive & Wakefield Street
Auckland City
Contact us
Professor Sergei Gulyaev
Deputy Director
Tim Natusch